Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 24

Today will be the first of the 3 days of no drops but still eating only 500 calories. i have been very good about planning what I eat and how much. I may even skip the pumpkin spiced latte since I found a recipe that I may try to make that has 67 calories per serving. I am very much looking forward to adding some foods back in however I am going to stick to getting down to 185 before the start of my next round. If I don't make it then I will keep on trucking and if have to will do another round . I will be still be blogging probably not as often but once I get on the next round the blog will be daily. I am off to walk and then to the grocery store.


  1. YAY! On the last 3 days with no drops! I'm so happy for you! I can only daydream about that day! How exciting it must be, to be able to mix veggies all in one meal. Lucky YOU! I do hope you will share this recipe your talking about! I love anything pumpkin spice, especially latte's and pumpkin bread so justsimply yummy too! Can't wait to see how well you do on the next phase, I'm sure you'll go GREAT! Please keep us posted! BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!

  2. I am defintely going to post the recipe i have several recipes for pumpkin bread that i love. I will keep blogging about my loss as i hope to keep it up. Still no mixing of the veggies until friday how on friday i will still be eating carefully plus i am waiting on my noodles
